I bought this old wine crate at an occasional sale a couple of months ago.
No real plans, but I liked the mix of black and red topography.
Then, while sorting through my "To Paint" pile in my garage, I came across some of these wood candle holders...and I realized that upside down, they looked like short "spindle-y" legs. I just happened to have 4 of them...imagine that? So I painted them up...and screwed them on.
At first I just added a burlap tree bag...thinking I'd go for that "messy"look...
...but it wasn't quite right.
So I grabbed an empty bin from the basement...and "tossed" a pillow into the burlap bag...
...and tucked it in around the bin.
Much better :)
I know this kind of a "cheater" ottoman...but I like it because then when I get tired of it, I can use it for something else. Fun for books, plants whatever...
What would you use it for?
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Until then,