Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Grate for Wine...

And speaking of wine...
I showed you my wine springs yesterday...if you missed that post you can see it HERE :)...

  But did I show you my fireplace grate wine rack?  I picked up a couple of these a while back and knew just what I would do with them.  It got a lot of attention at the last show and even made a little "appearance" with Sue Whitney on Twin Cities Live.
Watch it HERE :)
You may have to look really close to find it...and if you look really, REALLY close you might also see a couple of my WINE SPRINGS and that fun little WHEELY THING. 
It doesn't take much to make me happy :)
Thanks Sue!

 Enjoy your day...
Chat soon,


  1. Great... repurpose on the Grate Laurel! I let one slip through my fingers last year...wish I would have kept it now!!

    Tell Larry we said HI...don't think we will make it to his fall sale.

  2. Very Cool interview with Sue Whitney!
    I love your Junk Style Laurel!

  3. des informations très utiles, dans l'ensemble, je pense que ce site mérite d'être mis en signet, merci.


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